Sig fuse
Like new less than 15rds thru it. Has the sig romeo x sight, two 21 round mags and one 17 round mag,box and all papers. Call after 3 or text anytime two 7 0 sev...
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Smith and Wesson 329pd
Like new Smith and Wesson 329pd, airlite 44 magnum, box and all accessories from factory. Text anytime or call after 3pm 2seven079one27eightzero,
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Custom Vintage Antique Armoire
For sale I have a Custom Vintage Antique Armoire piece. This was originally built overseas and is very rare. It was purchased from an auction out-of-state and a...
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Welding Rods
Lincoln Electric Welding Rods 50# Canisters. 5 Cans of 3/16"x14" Rods. 5 Cans of 5/32"x15" Rods P+ and SP+ $25/per can OBO
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Reloading / Lead Casting – Equip and Supplies
Lee Precision Classic Turret Press #90064 $160.00 LNIB - never opened; Lee Lead Hardness Testing Kit #90924 $50.00 LNIB; Lee Bullet Lubricating and Sizing K...
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Remington 03a4 sniper clone
A nice Remington 03a4 sniper clone has a new barrel and JR Redfield mount and 1in rings has a Scopechief 2.5 scope with center post sight ready to go will look ...
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Animal house
Have a nice heavy duty animal house for sale. $50. Located in campbellsville. 270-403-4768. Call or text leave message if no answer
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Henry golden boy large loop
New in box Henry golden boy large loop .22 s/l/lr. New never been shot. $500 call or text 270-646-6156
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Inland M1 carbine
30 caliber carbine very good condition $950 , pretty firm or best offer
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Kentuckiana Classifieds
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